1. Do not stop. This applies when clearing highspeeds as well as when you can’t get into the alley. ORD is a different animal, and a
stopped aircraft is a problem.
2. When checking in with tower, whether at the marker or on a 25-mile final, please be patient. 9 times out of 10 we hear you and will
respond as soon as we can. If we haven’t responded by a 2-3 mile final, please call again.
3. Do not leave inbound ground’s frequency (121.9) until advised or until your aircraft is completely clear of “A” while pulling into
the alley.
4. If you came off a L/K gate (K1, L2A-C, L4, L6A,B), the alley you are leaving is called the “K” alley. Use this designation when
talking to Ground Metering. The “L” alley is a completely different alley.
5. Advise Ground Metering which ATIS code you have, instead of Clearance Delivery. Since many aircraft have PDCs, Ground
Metering is required to make sure you have the most current code.
6. Please use your entire callsign in each transmission. We have many different companies using the same or very similar 4-digit
flight numbers.
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