The time duration of obtaining a sport or private pilot license depends on student schedule and proficiency. Flying often, studying frequently and efficiently and being prepared for each flight lesson will ensure that the goal is achieved at a lower cost and within the minimal timeframe. The average amount of time to obtain an initial pilot license ranges from 6 to 18 months.
(Faster programs are available: Sport – 45 days, Private in 120)
Sport Pilot License Requirements:
- Be at least 17 years old (or 16 years old if you are applying to operate a glider or balloon).
- Be able to read, speak, write, and understand English.
- Hold at least a third class medical, or hold a current and valid U.S. driver’s license for operations in light-sport aircraft other than a glider or balloon.
What are the training requirements for becoming a sport pilot?
- Training requirements for a sport pilot certificate with airplane category —
- A minimum of 20 hours flight time including:
- 15 hours of flight training from an authorized instructor.
- 5 hours solo flight.
- Flight training must include at least:
- 2 hours cross-country flight training.
- 10 takeoffs and landings to a full stop.
- One solo cross-country flight of at least 75 nautical miles total distance with a full-stop landing at a minimum of two points and one segment of the flight consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 25 nautical miles between takeoff and landing locations.
- 3 hours flight training in preparation for the practical test.
- Ground training from an instructor or home-study course.
- FAA knowledge test on applicable aeronautical knowledge areas.
- FAA practical test for the applicable light-sport aircraft privilege.
- Sport pilot certificates will be issued without category/class designation — logbook endorsement will be provided for category and class per FAR 61.317.
- A minimum of 20 hours flight time including:

Cessna 162 – Sport Pilot Training Aircraft
Private Pilot License
FAA Requirements to Obtain a Private Pilot Certificate (Detailed Version)
The Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) identify the following requirements to obtain a Private Pilot
1. Be at least 17 years of age
2. Be able to read, write, and converse fluently in English
3. Obtain at least a third-class FAA medical certificate
a. You must undergo a routine medical examination which may be administered only by an
FAA-designated doctor called an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME)
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b. Even if you have a physical handicap, medical certificates can be issued in many cases.
Operating limitation may be imposed depending on the nature of the disability.
c. Your FAA-Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) or Fixed-Base Operator (FBO) will be able to
recommend an AME. [NOTE: An FBO is an airport business that gives flight lessons, sells
aviation fuel, repairs airplanes, etc.]
d. As a student pilot, your medical certificate also functions as your student pilot certificate
once it is signed by you and your AME.
4. Receive and log ground training from an authorized instructor or complete either an online
study course or home-study course to learn the following:
a. Applicable Federal Aviation Regulations that relate to private pilot privileges, limitations,
and flight operations
b. Accident reporting requirement of the National Transportation Safety Board
c. Use of applicable portions of the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and FAA
Advisory Circulars (ACs)
d. Use of aeronautical charts for navigation under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) using pilotage,
dead reckoning, and navigation systems
e. Radio communication procedures
f. Recognition of critical weather situations from the ground and in flight and the
procurement and use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts
g. Safe and efficient operation of the aircraft
h. Effects of density altitude on aircraft takeoff and climb performance
i. Weight and balance computations
j. Principles of aerodynamics, aircraft engines and systems
k. Stall awareness and recovery techniques
l. Aeronautical decision making and judgment
m. Preflight actions including:
i. How to obtain information on runway lengths at airports of intended use, data
on takeoff and landing distances, weather reports and forecasts, and fuel
ii. How to plan for alternatives if the flight cannot be completed or delays are
5. Pass a 60 multiple-choice question knowledge test, at an FAA-designated computer testing
center, with a score of 70% or higher
6. Accumulate flight experience (FAR 61.109). Receive a minimum of 40 hours of flight instruction
and solo flight time including:
a. 20 hours of flight training from an authorized flight instructor, including at least
i. 3 hours of cross-country (i.e. to other airports)
ii. 3 hours of night, including
1. One cross-country flight of over 100nm total distance
2. 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop at an airport
iii. 3 hours of instrument flight training in an airplane
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iv. 3 hours in airplanes in preparation for the private pilot practical test within 60
days prior to that test
b. 10 hours of solo time in an airplane, including:
i. 5 hours of cross-country flights
ii. One solo cross-country flight of at least 150nm total distance, with full-stop
landings at a minimum of three points and with one segment of the flight
consisting of a straight-line distance of at least 50nm between takeoff and
landing locations
iii. Three solo takeoffs and landings to a full stop at an airport with an operating
control tower
7. Receive flight instruction and demonstrate skill (FAR 61.107)
a. Obtain a logbook sign-off by your CFI on the following areas of operation:
i. Preflight preparation
ii. Preflight procedures
iii. Airport operations
iv. Takeoffs, landings, and go-arounds
v. Performance maneuvers
vi. Ground reference maneuvers
vii. Navigation
viii. Slow flight and (aerodynamic) stalls
ix. Basic instrument maneuvers
x. Emergency operations
xi. Night operations
xii. Post-flight procedures
8. Successful complete a practical (flight) test given as a final exam by an FAA inspector or
Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE); conducted as specified in the most current version of the FAA’s
Private Pilot Practical Test Standards (PTS).
Already Licensed Pilots:
Excellent member rates for renting our Skyhawk or Light Sport Aircraft.Call 708-299-8246 today!!
Take advantage of our Motion Simulator to practice Xwind approaches, Instrument approaches, landings at unfamiliar airports, emergencies, com and nav, etc.
For the experienced pilot, we offer BATD’s – FAA approved for training and logging up to 10 hours towards Instrument Rating certification and AATD’s allowing up to 50 hours towards a commercial license. High precision yoke, rudder and control panel. Realistic feel and response.
Need an IPC? Instrument Proficiency Checks done at our Flight Center. (read more about IPC’s here). You can choose between our Advanced Aviation Training Device or our Cessna 172 N Training Aircraft. Call 708-299-8246 to schedule your IPC today!
The active VFR Pilot:
a. VFR flight to an unfamiliar airport.
b. EMERGENCIES – best way to practice engine failures and equipment failures, partial panel, partial power, electrical failures, etc.
c. VFR flight into IMC and techniques to get-a-way.
d. Pilotage – based on photorealistic maps.
e. Pattern work, xwind landings.
f. General refresher for all ppl requirement.
The non-current Pilot
The perfect way to get back in aviation. Get a few hours in the training device and all will start coming back. You do this at a FRACTION of the price of renting an aircraft. You can do it yourself or with one of our instructors or with your own instructor.
Procedures, Emergencies, Stalls, Steep Turns, Pattern Entry, Uncontrolled Airfields, Coms, Nav – All can be accurately recreated in our environment – where you will FEEL and actually fly an aircraft.
For BFR’s – Flight Reviews – call 708-299-8246 and schedule Ground and Flight with our experimented instructors today!
For the Pilot who’s currency lapsed, our training center is one of the best possible ways of refreshing you memory. In less than 2 hours you will be re-connected with all the procedures and maneuvers, leaving the flight review to be fun and enjoyable.
For the Pilot who needs an Instrument Proficiency Check we offer our AATD or our aircraft.Call 708-299-8246 and schedule your IPC with one of our FSX Chicago CFII today!
Schedule your BFR at 708-299-8246.
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